Excerpt: Ivana News

Ivana Visual Arts News Agency

Date: 3 March 2015

Organic Painting of Mostafa Damirchi after 10 years  in Iran

As The exhibition of organic painting of Mostafa Damirchi (Dachi) will be held in Shirin Gallery under title of “Creation of Eve”.

As IVANA reported this exhibition follows a different glance at the contemporary art arena as to technic, materials and subject.

He will expose his 17 organic works in big sizes of 2-8 meters in Shirin Gallery.

In these works Dachi tried to give conceptual and contemporary aspect by taking advantage of the miniature art techniques based on colorful materials of ancient miniature in a adventuresome structure and has used organic materials like coffee, chocolate, cacao, tea and colorful spices.

The subject of his paintings is creation of Eve and descend of human on the earth.

Mostafa Damirchi is one of the winners of 4th Tehran Painting Biennial in Tehran who has convened several exhibitions in foreign countries during the last 10 years such as his two solo exhibitions in Art Gallery of Salzburg.

After 10 years he is to convene his second solo exhibition in Tehran at Shirin Gallery located at No.5, 13th St., Sanaei St., Karim Khan ZandAve.


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Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi


Excerpt: ISNA NEWS

News Code No.: 93121207219

Tuesday 2 March 2015

Organic Painting of “Dachi” in Tehran , after 10 years

The exhibition of organic painting of Mostafa Damirchi (Dachi) will be held in Shirin Gallery.

As Isna reported this exhibition follows a different glance at the contemporary art arena as to technic, materials and subject.

He will expose his 17  organic works in big sizes of 2-8 meters in Shirin Gallery .

In these works Dachi tried to give conceptual and contemporary aspect by taking advantage of the miniature art techniques based on colorful materials of ancient miniature in a adventuresome structure and has used organic materials like coffee, chocolate, cacao, tea and colorful spices.

The subject of his paintings is creation of Eve and descend of human on the earth.

Mostafa Damirchi is one of the winners of 4th Tehran Painting Biennial in Tehran who has convened several exhibitions in foreign countries during the last 10 years such as his two solo exhibitions in Art Gallery of Salzburg.

After 10 years he is to convene his second solo exhibition in Tehran at Shirin Gallery located at No.5, 13th St., Sanaei St., Karim Khan ZandAve.


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Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi


Excerpt: Shargh Daily

8 April.2015

A critic by Mahmoud Nouraei

Contemporary Art means Return to the Past

The second exhibition of Mostafa Damirchiis now convened after 10 years and 6th Tehran Painting Biennial, during this period he has convened some solo exhibition in foreign countries.
Now he has convened his second exhibition in Shirin Gallery under title of “Creation of Eve” and has exposed his 17 works in big sizes of 4-8 meters. His different glance and using the materials which have been used less in contemporary art are among the interesting points of this exhibition.

After 6th Biennial his work was assigned to the Museum which is a great event for a young artist and then he travelled to different countries to create new things.

During the past decade he has lived in different places and has had different studies on art of Middle East.

He tries to preserve his personal expression in presenting his works and tries to present a unique word.

In “Creation of Eve” he has recreated his own mind and tried to present the same in a bigger frame.

His painting are different in view point of concept and type of implementation, therefore he used different materials whatever creates stronger feeling is interesting for him.

During the past decade he has lived in different places and has had different studies in art of the Middle East and Middle Asia , he followed mental and spiritual revelation with the surface canvas through color and artistic elements it means though discharge with the visual creation based on aesthetic fundamentals.

He tried to preserve his own personal expression in presenting his works and tried to present unique works which is procedure of work creation and has no relation with his concept.

He believes that basically the contemporary art is return to the past, his works are relied on design it means that the design powers are known in his works more than anything else.

He believes that this dialogue is in the world art, he discovered the Iranian painting lines and took advantage of the experience of the ancient time as far as material may concern.

As to economic infrastructure of the art there are many problems which must be solved accordingly.


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Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi


Sirang: the organic painting of Mostafa Damirchi will be held in Shirin Gallery under title of “Creation of Eve” as of Friday 5 March.

The works of Damirchi are in big sizes as 2-8 meters with free forms and wavy lines of Iranian miniature art . in these works he has tried to make important the attraction of such art in big dimensions by taking advantage of the miniature techniques.

He has used the ancient colorful materials by using the materials of contemporary art and organic materials like coffee, chocolate, cacao team and colorful spices.

The subject and theme of his works is creation of Eve and human’s descend on the earth.

He is one of the winners of Iranian Contemporary Painting Biennial and his work has convened several exhibitions in foreign countries during the last 10 years, such as his two solo exhibitions in Art Gallery of Salzburg of Austria.

And now after ten years he is to convene his second solo exhibition at Shirin Art Gallery located at No.5, 13th St., Sanaei St., Karim Khan Zand Ave.


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Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi




Shargh Daily

No. 2270

Wednesday 8 April

Contemporary Art means Return to the Past

Mohammad Nouraei

His last presence in painting arena dated back to 2005 when his painting was elected for exposing and preserving in the Contemporary Art Museum.

During this period he has convened several solo exhibition in foreign countries. Now after 10 years he has convened his second solo exhibition in Shirin Gallery.

In his exhibition under title of “Creation of Eve” he has exposed 17 works in dimension of 4 x 8 m., his different glance in painting and using the materials which are less used are among the interesting points of this exhibition.

Selection of his work for exposing in the museum was an awesome event for a 245 years old artist, after 6th painting biennial and then he travelled to different countries to create new things.

During the past decade he has lived in different places and has had different studies on art of Middle East.

He tries to preserve his personal expression in presenting his works and tries to present a unique word.

In “Creation of Eve” he has recreated his own mind and tried to present the same in a bigger frame.

In his opinion contemporary art is return to the past. Since the ways and means for using the organic colors have many records in Iranian panting, he was interested in reaching the new compositions. He has worked with much chemical colors and the reaction of audience showed that he has though properly. A tableau with 6 meters length with coffee, chocolate and different spices.

During the past 10 years he followed the art status of Iran and found that significant events have been happened which is indebted to a few persons who tried to make the status of Iran different.

He believes that as long as there is no strong art economy we cannot expect to create the unique works.

He believes that Tehran auction is start of a strong flow and such auction must be in relation with the foreign ones.

The artist, who is not hopeful to the future, cannot be expected to create creative works.


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Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi




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