
Photo of Mostafa Damirchi



“Creation of Eve” of Mostafa Damirchi in Shirin Gallery

The painting exhibition of Mostafa Damirchiunder title of “Creation of Eve” was opened in Shirin Gallery on Friday 5 March.

“Creation of Eve” is one of the most different exhibitions of current year composed of works with contemporary narration of the Iranian painting by using organic colors, in this exhibition the artist has exposed the hidden angels of miniature in bigger dimensions and has given conceptual frame in visual attraction of illustration.

This experienced artist has exposed his works with forms and fluid lines of illustration in context of tiny lines applied in miniature with 3-6 m. lines. He has used organic colors such as coffee, chocolate, cacao, tea and colorful spices.

It is a different exhibition as to technique, material, subject and theme.

On the opening ceremony his 5 works out of 17 works were sold.

Mostafa Damirchi is winner of 4th painting biennial who has numerous exhibitions in foreign countries during 10 past years, such as his two solo exhibitions in Art Gallery in Salzburg of Austria  and now after ten years he has convened his second solo exhibition at  Shirin Art Gallery located at No.5, 13th St., Sanaei St., Karim Khan Zand Ave.


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Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi

400x200 2

Excerpt: Shargh Daily

12th year No. 2270

8 April.2015

A critic by Mahmoud Nouraei

Contemporary Art means Return to the Past

Photo of Mostafa Damirchi

The second exhibition of Mostafa Damirchiis now convened after 10 years  and 6th Tehran Painting Biennial, during this period he has convened some solo exhibition in foreign countries.
Now he has convened his second exhibition in Shirin Gallery  under title of “Creation of Eve” and has exposed his 17 works in big sizes of 4-8 meters. His different glance and using the materials which have been used less in contemporary art are among the interesting points of this exhibition.

After 6th Biennial he work was assigned to the Museum which is a great event for a young artist and then he travelled to different countries to create new things.

During the past decade he has lived in different places and has had different studies on art of Middle East.

He tries to preserve his personal expression in presenting his works and tries to present a unique word.

In “Creation of Eve” he has recreated his own mind and tried to present the same in  a bigger frame.


True translation is certified.

Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi

   Mostafa Dmirchi DACHI


The Creation of Eve

Procreation is the bedrock of art and artist is the creator who gives birth to idea through the reflection of his universe of notions and transmits it on earth. This Cycle isn't indeed unlike the creation and descent of human. From puirity to impurity, from surrender to distroy, from guile to regret, from descent to rising, from quandary to bewildement. this is the cycle of human life and the spring of this continuity is the creation of eve.

" The Creation of Eve " collection is the reflection of this revolving continuity. on the bedrock of a sheer land, temptation, guile, amalgamation, battle and surrender is portraited and the portrayer, struggling with descent and filled with bewilderment, lays hand to wipe out impurity and searches for rising.

Audacity is the foundation of the so-told search: the begining of creation;line, the quandary of this portating and color is the bewilderment of the creation.

It's austerity in this search that crated dot and line and it's interaction with nature that leads to the discovery of pure colors which at the end forms an offering to proffer to realm of this concept.


Mahmoud NourAEI

Translated by : Solmaz Behgam



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Mostafa Damirchi: I don’t censure my painting

Photo of Mostafa Damirchi

Mostafa Damirchibelieves that he has not censured anything in creation of his works and he has had no limitations.

He has not exposed his works since 10 years ago  and now his new collection “Creation of Eve” will be exposed in Shirin Gallery.

Nomination of his work in the 6th Painting Biennial made him much glad and then he started continuous works and studies and now he has another exhibition after 10 year.

He is a daring artist and always tries to draw something he believes in. Ten years gave him opportunity to find color of his lines.

This collection has tried to define its own narration in big dimensions, he did not like that everything to be ended in A4 size, he emphasized in enlargement of this event and he intends to  continue such daring definition in his next exhibition.

He has tried to keep the cultural myth and myth of his own life and to convert them to animation he believes that similarity to animation is not bad at all; someone must understand the lines feeling and then start such work.

Another feature of his works is their decorative and he believes that the luxury cannot be neglected in the art market.


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Tehran- Iran

Aug 2016

Cd3: EB : Damirchi




سرویس تجسمی هنرآنلای

Damirchi to expose a collection of his works in Tehran after 10 years


Mostafa Damirchi is one of the winners of 6th Iranian contemporary painting biennial in 2003 and now his work is kept by Contemporary Art Museum. After 10 year he intends to expose his works in Tehran this winter.


For 10 years he has had studies in field of arts specially art of Middle East and Far East. For this reason he travelled to different countries of the works and engaged in artistic activity, he studied philosophy for three years in the far villages of East Asia. Certainly he convened certain exhibitions during these tears like his exhibition in Salzburg of Austria, also he worked on interior decoration during these years.


He has taught his art before the master like Jalal Shabahangi, Reza Hedayat, ....., he used to design 17 years per day for 10 years and studied art for 10 years but his works are not similar to anyone else.


He got prize when he was 35 years old. About his new collection he said three collected of “creation” “ Lover’s Aim” and “Luxury Death” which have not been exposed before and after their exposing in Iran they will be exhibited in Emirates, New York and London. His style is completely known and therefore his works need no signature.


About experiences of his studies he believes that all humans say one thing and the stories in the different religions are expressed with different languages they all talk about one God just their languages are different.


In “Creation of Eve” the human’ descent has been expressed in “Lover’s Aim” which is digital painting, he has shown the experience of love and real happening of today world, the human beings, their relationship and philosophy are all theme of these works.




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Tehran- Iran


Aug 2016


Cd3: EB : Damirchi




Excerpt: Honaronline

Photo of Mostafa Damirchi